Do’s and ‘Don’ts When Hiring an Apprentice

Wondering what to look for in a new apprentice and how the hiring process works? As one of the leading Group Training Organisations (GTO) in Sydney, Newcastle and ACT electrogroup is here to help employers just like you navigate the do’s and don’ts of hiring apprentice electricians.

Explore our top recommendations for successfully hiring apprentice electricians, and feel free to get in touch with us if you’d like more info.

Do: Only Hire from reputable GTO’s

Electrical contractors hiring apprentices should look for candidates from approved reputable GTO’s only. After all, it makes sense to hire an electrical apprentice who is appropriately screened and trained, which you can expect from a top GTO like electrogroup.

Do Not: Hire Someone Just Because You Know Them

electrogroup works with many electrical companies hiring apprentices, and we always remind employers not to hire an apprentice just because they are a friend or relative of a friend or employee. Of course, if the candidate is registered with electrogroup, then they may be considered as there’s an extra level of protection and oversight there with a reputable GTO.

Do: Check CV/Resumes

Candidates applying for electrical apprenticeships in Wollongong, Newcastle, Sydney or ACT should provide an updated CV and resume. Make sure you go over this information so you can find the right people and stay competitive with other electrical companies hiring apprentices.

Do Not: View Apprentices as Easy Labour

This should go without saying, but any electrical contractors hiring apprentices should view them as a worthwhile investment in the future, rather than fast, cheap labour. By recognising their potential and offering opportunities for growth, your electrical business can truly thrive with apprentices.

Do: Register with a reputable company

Last but not least, when you hire an electrical apprentice through a reputable company like electrogroup, all the hard work is done for you. It’s easier to hire electrical apprentices when you know the recruitment and administration processes are all under control with electrogroup.

Hiring Apprentice Electricians is Easy With electrogroup

electrogroup is proud to help many electrical companies hiring apprentices in Sydney, Newcastle, and ACT. If you’d like to hire electrical apprentices for your business, register to become a host provider with electrogroup today.



The Importance of Apprenticeships for Electrical Contractors


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